Sticky Notes are my Thing
Healing: Processing and Releasing
So I’m in my process of healing right now. And I have days like today that feel…hard. I starting thinking things like, “See? You’re not good enough. You can’t do this. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
Dear Husband, Thank You
When I was a girl, I played "House" with all my dolls. There was a mom and a dad, 2 kids and a dog, a cute house and a big yard. They went on all kinds of adventures. I dreamed I would have that life.
Subscriber Letter: Soul Deep Exhaustion
I'm tired in a way I didn't even know was possible , it's soul deep exhaustion from surviving…I need to remember who I am.
The Truth About Me
And because I couldn’t follow all the rules, I felt so much guilt and shame about so many things. So I started exploring other places to feel connected to something bigger than myself.
Subscriber Letter: Healing Isn’t What I Thought
The past couple years I’ve heard the word healing, you hear it everywhere and as much as I thought I knew what it meant, I didn’t. I’m still learning what healing looks like, that it’s not linear.
Get Your Shit Together
I’m entering the Miracles phase of my life. I want miracles. And I’m willing to do the work of asking for guidance and taking my inspired action to get my shit together so I can receive them.
Get Angry to Heal
I didn’t just crumple and cry. Oh, no. I crumpled and SCREAMED. I screamed so loud and so long, I exhausted myself. And when I had nothing left…then I cried.
When What You Want is to Bake Banana Bread
So do I choose what is easier in the moment? Or do I choose what I know will make me happy?
Amazingly enough, when you do something new enough times, it starts to feel normal, like you always knew how to do it.
What does it mean to be free?
I was so consumed, back then, with fitting in, pleasing people, and “being good.” It was stifling. I felt claustrophobic.