Healing: Processing and Releasing
Dear Friend,
I need to work something out in my head.
I believe I am a Healer. I am here to heal myself and heal the world.
I don’t even really know what that means, but I feel it. I write as a way to heal: I get the words out on paper and with them flow a lot of emotion. Writing moves the emotions through me, to be processed and released. I also heal by moving my body. We store so many memories and emotions in our physical selves and moving helps me discover if anything is stuck so I can process it and release it.
Healing is processing and releasing.
So I’m in my process of healing right now. And I have days like today that feel…hard. I starting thinking things like, “See? You’re not good enough. You can’t do this. You don’t know what you’re doing.” In the wise words of Amanda Frances (check her out on AmandaFrances.com!), those thoughts are “LIES! LIES STRAIGHT FROM THE DEVIL!”
So I asked the Infinite Spirit/God/the Universe/Source to help me see things differently.
And the Universe gently reminded me of…you. You and I have been having deep conversations about healing - about filling our own cups and prioritizing ourselves in this crazy world. I saw you the other day and it was obvious that you were doing those things! You stood up taller. You had a sparkle in your eyes. You oozed smooth confidence. And when I talked to your husband about it, he described you as “glowy.”
Fuck. Yes. We get to be glowy! I don’t have to stay scared and doubtful. I get to choose how to show up. I get to choose how I feel. I get to choose to be GLOWY.
Thank you for filling your own cup and pouring out some of that good stuff on me. You inspired me to work through some weird shit I was telling myself. I wrote you this letter to process all that icky, stuck, negative emotion.
And now I’m going to have a wild dance party to LET THE REST OF THAT SHIT GO.
So there it is: I’m a Healer. I processed and released. And now I’m gonna glow.
With so much gratitude in my heart,
Your friend, Alexandra Kay