Support my work!
If you enjoy reading my letters and think others would find some peace or healing through them, help make it possible! (Please note: I don’t run ads on my blog for several reasons and therefore sacrifice the potential income from them.)
Besides writing, I am also a wife and mother of two, massage therapist and business owner, and hobby farmer. I am trying my hand at the art of sourdough bread baking, I have backyard animals, and I am learning how to sew. I love journaling and making somebody’s day with a little note.
I’m so thankful my days are full of meaningful things, and I would love to devote more time to writing letters - digital and snail-mail style! Every donation* is greatly appreciated and accompanied by a handwritten note, if desired!
With love,
Your friend, Alexandra Kay
*Please note that I am a for-profit business and therefore donations are not tax-deductible.