Get Your Shit Together
Dear Friend,
I’m writing this letter as much to myself as I am to you. I love you. I want the best for you. I want to see you happy and healthy. I want you to be successful - whatever that means for you.
But you gotta get your shit together, Girl.
I hear excuses and see distractions. What do you want? Who do you want to be? We have the opportunity to really impact the people around us: our kids, our partners, our coworkers, our parents, our friends. Wouldn’t it mean everything to you to hear someone say, “You inspired me”?
Here’s what I’m learning and implementing, day by day: figure out what you believe in - something bigger than yourself. Maybe you call it God or the Universe or Source. Maybe it’s simply your Purpose that you believe in. Cling to that and ask for guidance. Answers come, I promise. Sometimes in the form of a nudge or a subtle feeling. I call the answers Inspiration. I ask the Divine for guidance and then I’m inspired. And when I’m inspired, I act - I do the thing. Am I perfect at it? No. But I’m trying, I’m learning. And when I take my inspired action, everything always works out.
Let me say that again: When I take my inspired action, everything always works out.
And that feels like getting my shit together.
The Divine is waiting for you, ready to pour out abundance.
You see, it doesn’t all have to be on your shoulders. You don’t have to have all the answers and know how to do all the things. Let God carry that burden. And be ready to receive answers, inspiration, peace, healing, abundance of every kind.
I’m entering the Miracles phase of my life. I want miracles. And I’m willing to do the work of asking for guidance and taking my inspired action to get my shit together so I can receive them.
Join me.
I love you.
Your friend, Alexandra Kay
Postscript - One of my great teachers right now is Amanda Frances. Find her on all the socials @xoamandafrances. She speaks a lot about money manifestation, but I am even more drawn to her universal spiritual principles on Receiving.